The CupCake Boss Blog

So, its almost Halloween!!!! Yay!!!!!! As all of you know, I go on and, every year they have a halloween party, its coming up and I wanted to share some preparation photos with you guys. Lately, I have to say, Club Penguin's parties have been getting better and better. My two favorite ones are the Christmas party and the Halloween party. Loads of fun!!! Anyway, in other news: First Phoebe, now Pandora.
My laptop, Phoebe, recently got back from getting her new and improved hard drive. She was messed up, but now she isn't. And now, my cell phone, Pandora, has a messed up screen. You can thank my obsessive habit of sliding my SLIDE PHONE every day a billion times for that. But you can't blame me, its called a SLIDE phone anyways... So she will be fixed shortly too. ALSO: I GOT THE NEW IPOD TOUCH!!!!!!!! I NEED TO COME UP WITH A NAME!!!!! I WOULD REALLY LIKE IT IF IT STARTED WITH A P!!! IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS COMMENT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!
Here are some photos of what's coming up at the halloween party and what my comments are:
FIRST PHOTO: This is actually what you see right now through the binoculars at the Cove. Check it out. See the storm cloud? MAKES ME EXCITED!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!!
SECOND PHOTO: This is the advertisement you see when you log in, I LUR-VE IT!!!! They did a great job on the graphics.
THIRD PHOTO: A page in the newspaper... I LOVE THIS YEARS GRAPHICS OMG!!!!

Today I went out to see the movie everyone is talking about that came out on Friday, "Legend of the Guardians, The Owls of Ga'hoole." This is THEE BEST MOVIE EVER! Amazing plot, amazing graphics, amazing voice actors, this is truly one of the works of art of the movie industry. I have never seen any movie better made than this one, I got the chills every time I saw the preview. The plot is basically about Soren, a young and ambitious owl who lives in the wilderness with his family and friends. He and his brother are kidnapped by owls called the Pure ones, who brain wash owls who they kidnap into becoming soldiers. He and his friends have to find the Guardians of Ga'hoole, to stop the beasts. This is amazing. If you don't see it you will be missing out on  one amazing movie. See it, if you haven't seen it yet your life hasn't begun yet. This really opens your eyes and makes you yearn to fly like the owls, with the owls, away from the hustle and bustle of the city and into the amazing wild. To see the setting sun, the indigo waters of the ocean, to see how amazing everything is. The movie is also based on the first three books of the "Owls of Ga'hoole" book series.

If you are a frequent reader of my blog (I am glad to say I have quite a few.) you know that my MacBook, Phoebe (I name my technology) has had a messed up hard drive for quite some time. But now, it is finally fixed. WOOOOOOO! This means I can post photos of stuff I do on my computer again! And I can use the programs that I have on my Mac!!!!! Wooooooooo! In celebration, I will post a photo of my new Panda hat. Its off the chain.  Anyways, LEAVE COMMENTS! 
And yeah.
Hey guys! Did you miss me? After spending summer vacation hanging out, swimming, tanning, and surfing the web, I am finally back, and finally back in school, like everyone else. Hm, what's new... well, you probably didn't know this, but I love! Even though I'm probably too old for it :) Right now, (If you go on clubpenguin you know) the clubpenguin fair is going on. Every September, there is a fair, with games, prizes, etc. Bottom line, really fun! And I might post some pictures if my MacBook gets fixed in time (I am currently on a PC). 'What is wrong with my dear MacBook?' You might be wondering, well I hardly know either, something is messed up in the harddrive. Please, wait for Phoebe (I NAME MY TECHNOLOGY, DEAL WITH IT!!!) she will be done with her surgical operation soon enough. Um, and that's all for now, peace!
Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have decided something drastic. I might not tell you guys the plots of my future novels, but I will post small tidbits from the middle of the story and stuff. I won't be putting entire stories on here, sorry! A new tidbit will be up later today, so check it out in the "My Writings" tab. In other news, I am getting an iPod touch soon! Yay!!!!!! Lol. Hmmm, what else is new? A new obsession of mine is "Tokidoki" it's a cartoon stuff/knickknack company, wanna check out some of their stuff? Gotp to Also, there is an awesome website  called where you create things like fashion collages. Really fun site! :D Peace guys! And the image is some of the tokidoki characters!

Sorry I haven't posted guys :(, been busy. School is finally over though! Me and my friends had a party on wednesday. We prank called Luna (The carpet company) by pretending to order a pizza. And I started talking in Russian too, it was funny, we then called a third time and I asked if its possible to carpet a truck, but they just hung up. So anyways, I also saw two movies. "Prince of Persia: The sands of time" and "Karate Kid". Both movies are awesome! Has anyone noticed that movie popcorn is always gross if you eat it per piece and yummy if you grab a whole clump? Lol, okay so here are my reviews:
"Prince of Persia: The Sands of time"
Director: Mike Newell
Stars: ✩✩✩✩✩
Description: Set in the mystical lands of Persia, a brave price named Dastan (Played by Jake Gyllenhaal) and a princess named Tamina (Played by Gemma Arterton) race agenst evil to safeguard an ancient dagger capable of releasing the Sands of Time, gifts from the gods that are capable of reversing time.

"Karate Kid"
Director: Harald Zwart
Stars: ✩✩✩✩✩
Description: A boy named Dre Parker (Played by Jaden Smith) and his mother (PLayed by Taraji P. Henson) move to China. Dre begins to get bullied and beaten up by some guys from his school, when he is seen talking to a girl he likes. Long story... He learns Kung fu from Mr.Han (Played by Jackie Chan) his building's maintenance man comes to his aid and helps him learn Kung-Fu and Dre eventually kicks their butt. :)

You guys have probably noticed that I haven't been posting my writings lately, why? Because I'm afraid someone will steal my stories!!! Here's the deal: I want to finish my novel about Phoebe, get a copy write, and then post it on the internet. In case you were wondering, I might post little tidbits or something, but overall, no new story chapters for the next month probably. But, you guys are free to post comments to links to your websites, I want to know what you guys write about! :)
School is almost over, my phone is spazzing, lol.
I keep getting anoyying chain messages such as:
Send this to 8 people, yes just 8, 
and look at your awesome new
wallpaper! This really, really
works! Even ask your phone
Seriously, I don't even bother to open those anymore, they get on my nerves and they probably don't even work, ugh.
Anyways, tell your friends about this site!!!!!!! And comment!!!!!!!!
Well guys, its been a long week, Lee won American Idol, I've actually shot a few goals in a soccer game with my friends, and some random loser doodle won "Doodle 4 Google". Hmmm, what else can I tell you guys? I'm watching a James Bond movie at the moment its called "Tomorrow never dies" not bad, I must say. School is almost over, no more tests, quizzes, waking up  at 7:00 everyday. 
My friend Cowruler, who shall remain unnamed until I ask for permission, helped me with my anime drawing skills this week, (Thanks a bunch!). I am currently picking at my nails, looking out my window, wondering how much of the movie I'm missing. 
Well, that's pretty much it...
I really appreciate all of the views, I'm surprised that I have so many :)

For you billions and trillions of people that use you probably have seen the little newsflash thing about their contest for people that are in K-12 grade. I checked out the finalists and I went insane. I can't believe that what people can do with a pencil, paper, and sample logo. Below you will find my favorite options, I voted for them, so please vote for them too!
I don't know when the results will be posted, but oh well, I will find out! lolz
In other news, the American Idol finale is on Tuesday and Wensday, and if Lee Dewyze doesn't win I promise I am suing America (Or Ryan Seacrest, whatever works)
Peace guys!
Okay, so a few friends of mine at school really love this anime comic series called Fruits Basket. They talked about it on, and on, and on. So me and my other friend who also didn't read Fruits Basket at the time just said that Fruits Basket sounds stupid. In case you are not familiar, Fruits basket is a wonderful anime comic series that is strangely addictive to read, there are 23 books total in the series. Okay, so continuing my story, so I finally checked out the 8th book out of the library and it was very. extremely confusing, mainly because you have to read it from upper-right hand corner, across, then down, so I didn't understand a thing. My friends then told me I should start with the first book so everything would make sense, and they were right. I checked the first book out of the library yesterday and I feel awesome! It is insanely addictive to read, you just have to have an open mind to begin reading. I strongly recommend you to read the series, I'm already on the second book. I admit some parts are a bit confusing, but there is a diagram in the back of the book that shows how you are supposed to read. It is written in English, but sometimes Japanese words pop up, don't worry because usually they are either not important, or the author has little notes on the side, where she usually explains things. So go to the library, right now, get a ride or something, and check out FruitsBasket!
If you are still having doubts, let me tell you what it's about. A girl named Tohru Honda is living in a tent in order to support herself, until she goes exploring and ends up finding the Sohma household, there lives one of her classmates, and some of his cousins. She later finds out that the members of the Sohma family are possessed by the chinese zodiac, and turn into their zodiac animal when they are hugged by someone of the opposite gender. 
So throughout the series (I have only read 1 and a half books so far) apparently she goes on adventures and discovers new things about the Sohma family, and becomes closer with the characters.
-Please note I took some of this from because I couldn't phrase it very well.
Okay, last thing and I'm off to sleep, I found a few cool anime/cartoonish websites I think you guys will like, they are:

Okay, Peace guys!