The CupCake Boss Blog

So, its almost Halloween!!!! Yay!!!!!! As all of you know, I go on and, every year they have a halloween party, its coming up and I wanted to share some preparation photos with you guys. Lately, I have to say, Club Penguin's parties have been getting better and better. My two favorite ones are the Christmas party and the Halloween party. Loads of fun!!! Anyway, in other news: First Phoebe, now Pandora.
My laptop, Phoebe, recently got back from getting her new and improved hard drive. She was messed up, but now she isn't. And now, my cell phone, Pandora, has a messed up screen. You can thank my obsessive habit of sliding my SLIDE PHONE every day a billion times for that. But you can't blame me, its called a SLIDE phone anyways... So she will be fixed shortly too. ALSO: I GOT THE NEW IPOD TOUCH!!!!!!!! I NEED TO COME UP WITH A NAME!!!!! I WOULD REALLY LIKE IT IF IT STARTED WITH A P!!! IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS COMMENT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!
Here are some photos of what's coming up at the halloween party and what my comments are:
FIRST PHOTO: This is actually what you see right now through the binoculars at the Cove. Check it out. See the storm cloud? MAKES ME EXCITED!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!!
SECOND PHOTO: This is the advertisement you see when you log in, I LUR-VE IT!!!! They did a great job on the graphics.
THIRD PHOTO: A page in the newspaper... I LOVE THIS YEARS GRAPHICS OMG!!!!

10/22/2010 01:48:09 pm

I can't wait for the club penguin Halloween event!!!


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