The CupCake Boss Blog

Today I went out to see the movie everyone is talking about that came out on Friday, "Legend of the Guardians, The Owls of Ga'hoole." This is THEE BEST MOVIE EVER! Amazing plot, amazing graphics, amazing voice actors, this is truly one of the works of art of the movie industry. I have never seen any movie better made than this one, I got the chills every time I saw the preview. The plot is basically about Soren, a young and ambitious owl who lives in the wilderness with his family and friends. He and his brother are kidnapped by owls called the Pure ones, who brain wash owls who they kidnap into becoming soldiers. He and his friends have to find the Guardians of Ga'hoole, to stop the beasts. This is amazing. If you don't see it you will be missing out on  one amazing movie. See it, if you haven't seen it yet your life hasn't begun yet. This really opens your eyes and makes you yearn to fly like the owls, with the owls, away from the hustle and bustle of the city and into the amazing wild. To see the setting sun, the indigo waters of the ocean, to see how amazing everything is. The movie is also based on the first three books of the "Owls of Ga'hoole" book series.

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