The CupCake Boss Blog

Okay, so a few friends of mine at school really love this anime comic series called Fruits Basket. They talked about it on, and on, and on. So me and my other friend who also didn't read Fruits Basket at the time just said that Fruits Basket sounds stupid. In case you are not familiar, Fruits basket is a wonderful anime comic series that is strangely addictive to read, there are 23 books total in the series. Okay, so continuing my story, so I finally checked out the 8th book out of the library and it was very. extremely confusing, mainly because you have to read it from upper-right hand corner, across, then down, so I didn't understand a thing. My friends then told me I should start with the first book so everything would make sense, and they were right. I checked the first book out of the library yesterday and I feel awesome! It is insanely addictive to read, you just have to have an open mind to begin reading. I strongly recommend you to read the series, I'm already on the second book. I admit some parts are a bit confusing, but there is a diagram in the back of the book that shows how you are supposed to read. It is written in English, but sometimes Japanese words pop up, don't worry because usually they are either not important, or the author has little notes on the side, where she usually explains things. So go to the library, right now, get a ride or something, and check out FruitsBasket!
If you are still having doubts, let me tell you what it's about. A girl named Tohru Honda is living in a tent in order to support herself, until she goes exploring and ends up finding the Sohma household, there lives one of her classmates, and some of his cousins. She later finds out that the members of the Sohma family are possessed by the chinese zodiac, and turn into their zodiac animal when they are hugged by someone of the opposite gender. 
So throughout the series (I have only read 1 and a half books so far) apparently she goes on adventures and discovers new things about the Sohma family, and becomes closer with the characters.
-Please note I took some of this from because I couldn't phrase it very well.
Okay, last thing and I'm off to sleep, I found a few cool anime/cartoonish websites I think you guys will like, they are:

Okay, Peace guys!

9/30/2010 06:47:37 am

Hello friend, just wanted to tell you that your blog is very good, the images they use are nice and very well explained information, your blog is different, thanks for all, greetings!


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